Thursday, December 21, 2006

Day 121 - Brisbane

Today I went to the zoo! Australia zoo, to be precise - home of the late and great Steve Urwin. I went with Laura, and we had to get up at a rude 7am and catch a 1 hr train and then a bus to get there, and then pay 47 bucks to get in, but it was worth it. (Plus my tan got topped up nicely!)

Here are the pictures:

Taz (tazmanian devil)

Sleeping Dingo

Wombat (soo cuute)

What! No food?

Even cuter than the wombat... sleeping koala

Manically depressed kangaroo

Lazy Kangaroo

Lazy elephant (not dead, just sleeping)

Steve Urwin wannabe annoys a 17 ft croc

Kookoburra (urm, don't know how to spell it!)

Huuuuge tortoise (you can't really tell from the piccy, but this beast comes up to my knee)

The story of the late Harriet - interesting stuff!

I've also added some pictures of me in wetsuits/drunk (tho not at the same time thankfully) to the Day 115 post.


  1. I was going for the pre-raphelite look - paired with the sea-reddened eyes I think it makes for an attractive package. :-P

  2. Anonymous11:26 am

    Hey Katie looks like your having fun! wish i was there to see all those lovely animals...not sure bout the crocodile though!! Thanks for my christmas present! i opened it yesterday, because we're going to france today for christmas to do some serious skiing - oh no! The bag and mirror are lovely! thanks
    Enjoy Having fun!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hey Katie G

    It is Lisa here. I have been doing a massive blog catch up after having no internet for weeks. I feel uber jealous, crimbo in the sun, eh! Being back was ok at first- but the boredom (not to mention the cold and drizzle)is setting in. I have applied to go to Japan, so fingers x.

    You look fab in your photos, well maybe not sporting the pre-raphelite look. However the tan and absence of Aladdin pants suit you.

    Your last day in Chennai fueled my current search for weird and wonderful future trips. I hired a bike for my final few days in India. Speedily cycling past 'scuse me madam', 'one pen', 'come look at my shop' was perfect. I think taking to the saddle could be the way forward for my next trip, but no doubt i will change my mind a zillion times before then.

    As for zorbing, my first thought was- don't you get water up your nose? How boring of me considering the amount of near death bus and rickshaw experiences we had. Never mind zorbing, have you been keeping up your yoga? I have been doing ok- but not great. The chants on the Sivananda yoga cd provide much hilarity for my siblings.

    Well best be off. Looking forward to reading how your crimbo goes. Have a good one Blessed Katie and I promise not to leave it so long next time....In fact now that I am caught up I could become hooked on your blog.

  4. Heeey Lisaa!

    Long time no hear!
    How's it going?? Is the weather suitably yukky in the UK? It's sunny & hot here (evil laugh).

    Nah, no water up the nose, there was only a couple of buckets chucked in with us and thankfully I was at no point upside down!

    Have sent the CD of chants I copied from Becca home now too. Am sure my fam will dig it out now I mention this and have a good giggle imagining us chanting along.

    Have a good one!!
