Saturday, October 28, 2006

Day 66 - Varkala

Ahh, sweet boredom. Am now relaxing once again in the german bakery after a brief bout of manic exercise this morning.

The coffee yesterday sent my caffeine-starved body into hyperdrive - and I wasn't the only one! At about 5pm yesterday both Becca and I were actually shaking with energy. We went for a brisk walk up and down the cliff path and, when that didn't do much, we actually did the entire 12 sets of Sivananda yoga postures in our room. Madness. It doesn't end there - after a disturbed nights sleep I actually got up at 6.30 this morning for a jog, then went to a yoga class! Unfortunately the class was utterly dreadful (most especially in comparison to the ones at the ashram) and Becca was practically passing out with hunger, so we made our excuses and left after a mere 5 minutes, and got some sweet breakfast. The energetic mood has now passed - I entirely blame my bout of unnecessary activity on the turbo cappucino I had yesterday, and have resolved to switch back to chai.

Ah, I also am hatching plans to create a whole new diet - I call it the India diet, or the 'lose half your body weight down the toilet' diet (sorry). To be honest I really didn't think I'd lost so much, given that I haven't actually got sick yet, but I finally got round to taking my now somewhat baggy jeans and walking trousers to the tailors this morning and I had a bit of a nice suprise, I can tell you. When the bloke got me to put the trousers on and measured exactly how much he had to take them in, each pair had to go in by 4 1/2 inches!! My god. I got him to double check, and it was right. Maybe it's the heat, or all those punishing leg raises and sun salutations at the ashram - who cares, it's all good.


  1. Anonymous1:09 pm

    My God Kate, you'll be slipping between flagstones if you're not careful!

  2. Anonymous3:50 pm

    As both you and I know, what goes off can quickly come back on again as all those tight fitting suits in my wardrobe testify. I would suggest a 1" contingency :-P

    Anyway I am doing a bit of travelling myself at the moment. I am in Disneyworld FL on a conference. Everyone at work said "how lucky!" Yukkkkk. It's like a sunny Gulag. Wall-to-wall pure Disney, all a bit naf, and no escape -- a world away from India, or the Greek Islands for that matter.

    Take care and continue to enjoy yourself, my love //Dad
