Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Day 199 - Rotorua

So exciting.... yesterday me and the girls were limping around like cripples (too much grunt work and hard yoga) so today we've rebelled and are skipping class to go to the polynesian spa. Rotorua is a very thermal place - the eggy smell of sulpher permenently hangs around and as you drive into the centre, the rising smoke makes it look like tens of fires are burning. With all this bubbling mud comes... natural hot springs. We are going to stink like rotten eggs for a week afterward - but my muscles need the heat, so it's going to be worth it.


  1. Anonymous8:31 am

    Polynesian Spa looks good to me. xx

  2. Anonymous9:04 am

    sounding even better! - your going to smell of rotten eggs with dreads in you hair whilst wearing long floaty clothes and we'll be able to hear you coming with all the beads and bracelets your'll be wearing!! beautiful! x Ngaire x

  3. The eggy smell should have worn off by then, and if I come back with dreds you have my permission to drag me to the hairdressers to have them removed :-)
