Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Day 90 - Singapore

Mission accomplished - the visa has now been applied for (thank goodness). When I walked past 10 Leedon Road on the way back from the embassy I saw a young FedEx delivery guy standing on the other side of the gate, phone in hand, looking like he was ready to cry. "Are you stuck?" I ask, and he nods, rattles the gate and points to the FedEx van still running. "The gate's locked - can you tell the driver? He's listening to his music and not answering the phone". This is funny - looks like he's been locked in for some while and his collegue is bopping away in the front seat, completely oblivious. I take pity and point out the gate unlock button in the booth. The guy thanks me many times as I hold the gate open for him, and as I leave I see him marching over the van, presumably to shout at his buddy. Amooosing - glad to know I'm not the only daftie around!

I walked back to the bus stop and got a ride to Orchard Rd. When I got there I stood for a while, awed at the sheer scale of the place with it's huge malls. Took some lame photos with my camera... Orchard Rd in all its glory, and the bus (complete with TV to stave off boredom) - when I think back to the Indian local buses I have to laugh.

And the rest of the day? Well, not really much to tell; went back to hostel, made lunch, watched a DVD (Leon), read a magazine. Now I'm going to go to my favourite restaurant and get my dinner (stir fried veg, yum, and a papaya) then maybe watch another DVD. Aaah, this is the life.

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