Thursday, August 31, 2006

Day 9 - Rishikesh

It's the 31st of august today... which is, urm, thursday (the days all blur into one here) this means I have only today and tomorrow left in Rishikesh, and then the long and tedious journey back to Delhi to look forward to! (Bus-Train-Rickshaw)

I join my tour on the 3rd September where ensues a manic 22-day tour of Northern India in the company of 13 strangers. (Our route is shown above)

Until then I will continue with my relaxed routine in Rishikesh. I'll admit to having become somewhat of a regular at the Little Italy restaurant below the hotel, and enjoy speedy speedy service with a smile - something that is very rare from the grumpy head waiter (I like to think it is my friendly manner, but it is more likely the generous tips). I enjoy going there because of the delicious food, but it is also a great place to watch people and meet other travellers. Yesterday I met an insomniac pole who was lamenting the knack of nightlife ("they all go to bed at 10 because they wake up before dawn" I told him, and with this he shuddered visibly, and admitted that was usually when he went to sleep).

I'm also a regular at the little internet cafe by the hotel, and friends with the music-crazy lad that works there - I share my mp3 player so he can boogy away as I write, and he, in return, gives me all the gossip and points out the large lady that always checks her backside in the cafe's reflective window as she goes past every day - much to his amusement.

Today my legs ache. Under the stern eye of the yoga teacher I was able to get into Padmasana or lotus (right) for the first time in ages. But it did not end there - he then had us stay in it for what seemed an eternity whist we did other variations. My legs did not like, and this morning they paid me back - I'm walking like a knackered mule.


  1. Anonymous3:15 pm

    My God Kate - I hardly recognised you in those blue tights!!!! Good Picture - I've had to sign in as anonymous as I've forgotten my password (nothing changes). Enjoy your trip.
    The Caffs

  2. God - that isn't me! I'm nowhere near that good (or thin) it's a picture I got off the internat for illustrative purposes! :-)

  3. Anonymous10:38 am

    I know - dur!
