Friday, February 02, 2007

Day 165 - Onerahi

My last day at David and Lyndsy's farm today - I catch the bus back to Auckland tomorrow. I'm definately going to miss my big bedroom and balcony, and being cooked excellent food every evening (if this is what all wwoofing is like, I'm definately a fan).

Apart from becoming an expert grass-puller and wood-chipper, I've also learned some good cooking tips from Lyndsay (who is Chinese): e.g. you can stir fry lettuce (tastes good), pumpkin leaves and stems can be dumped in the wok too, and you can make authentic sweet and sour sauce using only soy sauce, rice vinegar and sugar. Also learned some interesting things about diet and health whilst reading my way through David's literature: What Doctors Don't Tell You is the most memorable read (thay have a website) - some of the information is really quite scary.

I've now started flicking through my wwoof booklet to find my next location... exciting!

Below are some pictures from my balcony:


During the day (the piddly trees are the mandarin orchard that we later mulched, and the lake behind is great for swimming)


  1. Anonymous6:12 pm

    Pumpkin leaves - can't get them over here - have to stick to lettuce! Enjoy Auckland - will it be back to stripping again? Ma xxx

  2. Anonymous10:22 pm

    Looking forward to the next location Kate.
    Ny the way did you hear, your mum is now soooooooo funky!!!!!

  3. Anonymous10:55 pm

    Can you translate wwoof into old English? LnK Dxx

  4. Willing Workers On Organic Farms!

    Yep, she told me - what's the verdict pa? Did you notice?

  5. Anonymous4:50 am

    I think that "funky" = hairdressers code for "not bad for your age" rather than "mutton dresed as lamb", etc. Needless to say, I am still very happy with both the packaging and contents -- and the hair suits as well, so I did notice.
